-Oh, hi there, whale! Let’s sit down and have a cup of tea before we sail, said Anatea the child.
-So Suddenly?!
In a soft voice,
-Why won’t you stay a little more? Can we enjoy this last moment before we cruise the forest of waves? She asked.
- Young child, if you only could understand that my nature is to be restless, I am in pain when I can’t push and pull like underwater current into the endless thoughts of yours.
-But I am afraid of the current, what about all those stories of the lost souls in the high tides?
-Darling girl, you only drown when you swim against the current, the ones who ride the waves get to the most beautiful places.
The tea in their cups is now finished, and with it:
Anatea and the whale set sail to the uncharted waters of deep thoughts.
The sound of a splash of water, cuts through the ocean breeze.
The child’s voice faded away with the current.
Since that day the whale never saw her again.
Why did it have to be so abrupt?  There wasn’t even time to hug goodbye.
But she knew she was now having the ride of her life, and it was :
Twisted and turned,
Sped up and slowed down.
She knew deep inside her, that Anatea wouldn’t perish or drown,
She had seen before,
In the shine of her eyes
In the sound of her voice
In the way she hopped around the boats in the port
In the way he laughed so loud.
She had seen her innocent soul.
In that instant they both, so far away drifted away into the deep sea current, that united them forever.
Beautiful. Thank you for writing this.